Monday, July 1, 2024

More lucha libre comics for you! - A 1UP classic from August 10, 2011

You may know that I am a huge fan of lucha libre and especially enmascarados or masked wrestlers. I talked a little bit about a masked wrestler comic book not too long ago with Big Daddy Danger. There were two other books that I would like to mention.

Strongman written by Charles Soule, drawn by Allen Gladfelter and published by Slave Labor Graphics is a pulpy novel featuring a past-his-prime enmascarado named El Tigre. The story is well done and the art, all black and white is okay. It has a violent edge to it with lots of blood spilled on both sides. It doesn't reach the level of style or storytelling of a Sin City graphic novel but is a fun ride nonetheless.

La Mano Del Destino by Castle and Key Publications is a newer color series featuring a masked wrestler named the Hand of Destiny. This character was double crossed during a match and lost his title and mask in the ring, the worst of all humiliations! He vowed revenge and must now face a series of opponents, each tougher than the last, before he can get his hands on the man that betrayed him. Sounds like the setup to a fun series, if not a videogame as well.

The art style is classic, printed on traditional newsprint with 4 color processes it looks like something out of the vault. The first issue was available in comic book stores but every additional issue will only be available from the publisher. Hopefully these indy publishers will help make it easier for original stories to get to market without having to deal with the monopoly that is Diamond Distribution. What was the last good or original comic that you have read?

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