Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Count Dante, the man, the myth, the illustration - A 1UP classic from May 21, 2012

Hello friends, how was your weekend? I hope it went well. Things didn't go quite as planned on my side. Ended up running a lot of chores and missed the book signing. I hope to catch up with Dwayne Vance at a later date to talk about his new book a little further down the road. Right now I'm planning out some new projects and working on my portfolio. What did you guys and gals get up to this weekend and what do you have coming up? One thing I hadn't done in a long while was work on a new illustration. I decided to take a simple graphic and try to recreate it on the computer. I found one from the classic comic book ad for Count Dante.

It turns out that the real Count Dante was a character and a half. Martial artist, self-promoter and Playboy hairstylist? There had been dueling documentaries being produced over the past decade but only one looks like it will actually be coming out. I'm a big fan of the martial arts myth, especially the true stories of the fighters that inspired the legends, and in the case of Count Dante, the urban legends.

Are there any odd characters you wish you knew more about? As always if you would like to sponsor me please visit my Patreon page and consider donating each month, even as little as $1 would help make better blogs and even podcasts!

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