Monday, May 27, 2024

Could graphic novels inspire great games? A 1UP classic from September 5, 2012

Hello friends, yesterday I talked about some buddy comic book characters that would make for great videogame heroes. As for what single character would make for a great videogame. How about Nixon from the graphic novel Hard Boiled?

The cyborg detective worked the streets of a very dystopian future Earth. The mix of noir and cyberpunk was amazing. It would take a very big studio to recreate the world that Frank Miller and Geoff Darrow presented. The game I imagine would be Crackdown meets State of Emergency. Those were two games that flew in under the radar but presented enough ideas to warrant another look.

If you could nominate one graphic novel to get the videogame treatment which would it be and why? The first person who says the Watchmen in a Lego format gets a boot to the head. As always if you would like to sponsor me please visit my Patreon page and consider donating each month, even as little as $1 would help make better blogs and even podcasts!

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