Monday, December 23, 2024

Freeze frame, my poster collection part 24...

Going back through my poster collection has been a present for my mental health. I had so many posters in my Capcom collection that I had to break them over several separate blogs. 

Here's a reminder for any Street Fighter, or fighting game fans in general. If you want to get into collecting the posters then try to track down the game guides from Japan. The gems in my collection came from Gamest. It was the premier arcade magazine through the '90s. When they published guides, which they called MOOKS after Magazine-Book they often included a poster. 

If I remember correctly many of the posters featured today I was able to get at the E3. You can see the autograph of Yoshinori Ono on several of them. Lord how I miss that convention.


The Street Fighter X Tekken event was another amazing show put together by Capcom. Lord I wish there were more of these. 

Thank you for joining me so far, I still have a few more posters to feature. Many of which I forgot I had. One day I’d like to get most of them framed, and put them on display, even if I have to cycle through them. Were there any you enjoyed? I’d like to read about them in the comments section. As always if you would like to sponsor me please visit my Patreon page and consider donating each month, even as little as $1 would help make better blogs and even podcasts!
follow the Street Writer on Patreon!


  1. Hey, remember Capoeira Fighter 3? The game is getting an enhanced version, Capoeira Fighter 3 Legacy!
    A beta version can be downloaded on and there is a community on Discord for feedback.

    1. Luiz, Thanks for the news. I'm so very happy to hear that. I've been bugging Scott Stoddard for a remake, or at least a playable version of Capoeira Fighter 3 for STEAM.
