Monday, March 27, 2023

My favorite Games of All-Time #18: Final Fantasy VI- Originally published on 1UP - April 14, 2006

Final Fantasy is an epic series of games. Many young gamers only know of the series dating back to FF VII. They would tell you that it was the best in the series. Go ask a person that has played every version of Final Fantasy and you will get a different answer. Most will agree that the one prior to VII, the last on the Super Nintendo was the best in the lot.

Final Fantasy VI demonstrated what Square was capable at its peak. There were no long, boring drawn out cinemas. No pop music videos featuring the main characters. No androgynous characters. No complex and unnecessary combat systems

The battle system was straight forward. Skills and weapons could be combined into some fantastic attacks. Players that explored every inch of the map were rewarded with rare items and valuable back story. The graphics were outstanding for the time. Yoshitaka Amano's art direction has few rivals in any Japanese RPG. His style complimented the characters and world. Who could deny the musical genius of Nobuo Uematsu? A man that managed to turn MIDI bips and bleeps into something fantastic!

I dare say that the opera scene in VI was one of the most memorable videogame experiences in my life. People on both sides of the industry argue that the holy grail for videogame developers is to create an emotive experience. To get gamers to cry. Many within the industry believe that they can achieve that through next-generation, high resolution graphics and pre-rendered cinemas. The opera scene counters that logic.

Producer Hironobu Sakaguchi and Directors Yoshinori Kitasa and Hiroyuki Itou manage to craft a moment within a game, part PaRappa the Rapper and part Phantom of the Opera. A moment where we take control and play through a scene, one of the best ever written. By using the candy colored buttons of the Super Nintendo we become the main actor on the stage, we sing of heartbreak and promise. We are made to laugh, cry and overcome adversity. We are connected to the action, we are engaged performers and not a passive audience. The illusion achieved through some simple pixels and midi sound files, not Hollywood caliber special effects.

Final Fantasy games have since taken us out of that moment. Rather than letting us play through the game they now make us sit back and watch the action. It happened as a series of music videos in FFVIII, FFX and FFX-2. When FF XII comes out and we are forced to sit through longer and longer cinemas we will hear the complaints. "Too much watching and not enough doing..."

It was the story in FFVI that sold the game. A story that harkens back to the themes in all great Final Fantasy adventures. The crystal of life, the brave warrior, the wayward guard of the empire, the reluctant hero, the ancient magical creature, the generous soul and a traitorous villain.

If you were to ask a group of people from around the world, that have been playing for over 15 years, to name the top-5 console RPG's of all-time they would rank FFVI in that group. Some might easily put it in the top-3. Those same people might say that FFVII would barely crack the top-10. They are not ranking the games based on sales, graphics or fancy cinemas. They are not ranking the games on popularity either. They rank the games based on the whole package. Those are the games that delivered the best all-around experience, technology be damned!

Critics argue that the story is too corny, too simplistic and too neatly wrapped up. I argue that many of those critics have become cynical with the genre. They truly believe that every Japanese RPG has to end with sacrifice and heartbreak. No story should ever end with "happily ever after."

I counter that argument with what a gamer needs versus what a gamer wants. This applies to every branch of the entertainment industry. We have become saturated with media that satisfies the consumer at every opportunity. The popular music all sounds the same, entertainers are rappers with a rhyme and a hook, every movie is eye candy and every game a 15-minute fix. When the industry suffers they blame the consumer rather themselves. People will always have a need to be entertained. They will always want to share in an experience. It is up to the industry to figure out how to fill our needs without catering to our wants.

Pixar is good at entertaining in the way that Disney studios used to. This is because they give us fun, family stories rather than caustic, animated adult comedy. Pixar still believes in the magic of storytelling, rather than the business of animation.

Final Fantasy VI represents the peak of what the series used to give gamers. It represents the period where gamers basic needs were all satisfied. Before Square catered to the demands of the public and began putting longer and longer cinemas in their games. When we could take a coffee break when summoning Knights of the Round... before Square just about went bankrupt on the dismal Final Fantasy the Spirits Within?

Remember what I said makes for a great game? It is the bare bones, immersive experience? FFVI is a near=perfect RPG template. Contrary to popular opinion the game does not have any weak points. If you are willing to give the game a chance you will not be disappointed. In fact, you will cheer at the end of the opera. You will spit every time you hear the name Kefka. And, God-willing, if you wait until the very last second on the collapsing island at the end of the game you will be rewarded. With what I will not say. You just have to take the adventure for yourself.

The Game That Almost Was #18

I have to make mention of the game that almost went in this spot. The one game that in all honesty gives FFVI a run for its money. Persona by Atlus missed this spot by only a fraction, it too has an opera singer but not an opera scene. If this list was my top-10 RPG's then I might rank Persona ahead of FFVI. That is because it takes the grand adventure of Final Fantasy VI and contemporizes it. It makes it both mature and profane.

Persona, as part of the Shin Megami Tensei series, is the best example of the contemporary role-playing game. It is the battle between good and evil, angels and demons, men in black and illuminati set in the here and now. Localization issues aside it is a well written and well conceived series that appeals to our imagination.

The game has its own combat system, unique weapons and an unusual magic system. It combines arcane magic and pagan summons with the tarot and astrology. Persona has loads of style thanks to the talented art of Kazumo Kaneko, the Atlus equivalent of Amano. Few in the industry can paint humans and demons with as much sex appeal and personality as Kazumo.

Persona is no stranger to controversy. It raises some very deep questions and covers a lot of taboo subjects, including the Catholic ideas of purgatory, Hell and suicide. If anything the upcoming version will cross the line, as characters shoot themselves in the head in order to summon their demon counterpart. But that is Persona, perpetually crossing the line. Daring to raise questions about reality and then ask us to look within. Is there a heaven? Is there a hell? What is the nature of man? What is the nature of monster? Who pulls the strings and what happens when we cross over? The issues dealing with "awakening" and reality were better written and presented in Persona than in the Matrix trilogy.

Many gamers did not give this series a chance. Those gamers miss out on experiences and questions that no other game asks.

If you have only seen ads or trailers of the game you will notice a butterfly. The butterfly is a symbol in the series. The butterfly relates to the Taoist story of transformation. The meaning of awaking to truth and reality. Who would ever imagine that a butterfly could become one of the most powerful symbols in the history of gaming?

"I Dreamt I Was a Butterfly"
by Chuang Tzu

Once upon a time I dreamt I was a butterfly
fluttering hither and thither
to all intents and purposes a butterfly

I was conscious only of following my fancies as a butterfly
and was unconscious of my individuality as a man

Suddenly I awoke
and there I lay
myself again

I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly
or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man

I’d like to hear your personal top-10, top-20, top fighting games, top sports games, or top games in any genre. Let me know in the comments section please. As always if you would like to sponsor me please visit my Patreon page and consider donating each month, even as little as $1 would help make better blogs and even podcasts!
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