Monday, June 17, 2024

Can videogames be patriotic? - A 1UP classic from July 03, 2012

Hello friends, with the holiday almost upon us I began thinking about videogames and patriotism. Has there ever been a videogame that has made you feel patriotic? Olympic and FIFA games aside, have you ever played a game that made you proud of your country? I think that games are mostly neutral, and those written with the government in mind are slightly anti-establishment. The Tom Clancy and Metal Gear titles were filled with all sorts of double-dealing plots. The most powerful soldiers, even those like Solid Snake or the Patriots, always turned out to be nothing more than pawns for generals and politicians with their own selfish motives.

I've never felt any patriotic connection with a game. Even when a studio used popular iconography as the backdrop, like the banners, colors, uniforms and locations of the US Revolutionary War in Assassin's Creed III, there was a disconnect. I know I should feel interested in a game surrounding the birth of the nation, especially when the conspiracy of the Templars and Masons are thrown into the mix, but the heart of the game remains the same as it always has. Kill some guards, sneak up on a powerful figure and assassinate them. I doubt I'll be feeling more patriotic when it is all said and done.

What do you think? Do videogames need to be more patriotic? Can a videogame be patriotic? If they were would the clueless politicians use them more or less for talking points? Let's hear your thoughts.

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  1. Really FB censored you over Patriot?!? part of me wants to say they're trying to avoid political back lash over election year ads "Be Patriotic and vote for XYZ!" still this social media not 1984 (the book).

  2. Absolutely, videogames can be patriotic! While it's true that many games focus more on entertainment or storytelling than overt patriotism, there are plenty of examples where gaming evokes a sense of national pride. Games like "Call of Duty," "Battlefield," and "America's Army" often portray heroic acts by soldiers defending their countries, invoking a sense of duty and honor. Even games with fictional settings can inspire patriotism by celebrating values like freedom, justice, and unity. So while not every game may resonate with patriotic themes, there's definitely room for gaming to celebrate national identity and pride.
